Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Car Insurance Discounts

When looking for cheap car insurance rates be sure all available discounts are included in your quote.

Insurance rates are primarily based on the vehicles specifications, which not only include the value but also the features built in. This means you have to be sure that you are insuring the exact make and model. Usually this is reflected in the VIN (vehicle identification number) but it's worth checking that it is correct. There's a considerable difference between a base model and a top of the line model.

If your auto has some dealer installed options or some after market accessories, these may affect your quoted rates. For example an approved anti-theft device installed could give you a significant price reduction in your insurance rates. Installing a LoJack can get you up to 25% off and may be a smart return on investment. Inexpensive extras such as engraving the VIN on glass deter theft and help recovery of stolen vehicles.

Part of the cost of auto insurance includes the type of driving you do. If you inform your insurer that you drive very low miles you may get a low mileage discount. If you have taken defensive driving course or advanced driving instruction be sure to mention it as there are discounts available from some companies.

Lifestyle is also taken into account. Married, homeowner, high credit rating, long-term customer all contribute to cheaper car insurance rates. If you insure with one company there are discounts for multiple vehicles, combining auto and home, and certain other lines of coverage like liability.
The crucial point is that you should ask for all your possible discounts and check policies from several companies using like comparisons. Discounts available can vary amongst companies and from state to state. Don't get too fanatical about every discount. Sometimes there is a trade off between getting all discounts included and just getting low basic rates for cheap car insurance.

You can find a list of discounts at http://cheapcarinsuranceguide.com/car-insurance-discount/
You can find discounts at Car Insurance Discounts and more tips and resources at Cheap Car Insurance Guide

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